[Oklahoma City, OK, 03/06/2024] – Wilspec Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of HVAC/R safety and control components, announces a major advancement in the industry with the qualification of its Adjustable Pressure Switches to UL 60335-2-40 Annex JJ.
Wilspec recognizes the paramount importance of expediting the transition to A2L refrigerants for HVAC system manufacturers. In line with this commitment, we have revamped our entire range of Adjustable Pressure Switches to achieve UL certification for LZGH Category (Flame Arrest-protected Components for Use in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Employing A2L Refrigerants), a pivotal step in facilitating a smooth transition for our customers.
By utilizing LZGH certified components from Wilspec, HVAC/R system manufacturers can circumvent the arduous process of conducting their own certification testing in UL’s LZGH category. This strategic advantage not only accelerates their time to market but also significantly mitigates R&D costs. With our expansive lineup of Adjustable Pressure Switches now UL certified for LZGH, our customers can redirect their focus and resources towards other critical aspects of transitioning to A2L refrigerants, while ensuring compliance with industry standards.
“With immense pride, we present an upgrade to our Adjustable Pressure Switches series which is now certified for use with A2L refrigerants. This is a testament to our relentless pursuit of innovation. This release encapsulates our vision for the future, combining cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of user needs. It marks not just a product launch but a milestone in our commitment to shaping industries and exceeding expectations.” – Nahusha Kumar, CEO
For further information on how Wilspec’s Adjustable Pressure Switches can optimize your transition to A2L refrigerants through our LZGH Certification, please reach out to us via email at USInfo@wilspec.com or by phone at +1 405 495 8989.